
Monday, December 28, 2020

Freespire 7.1 Released

Today the PC/OpenSystems Open Source dev team is announcing our Freespire 7.1 public release. While an incremental release, this version is still packed full of user-facing improvements and kernel-level updates. Freespire is our free and open source distribution that you are free to download, redistribute and install on as many systems as you would like; it continues our tradition of offering the #1 open source desktop to the masses. 

 Features included in Freespire 7.1 : 

Customized XFCE 4.16 desktop 
Kernel 5.8.0-33 
Google Chrome 87 
Ice SSB 
Thunderbird 68.12 
Parole Media Player 
Redshift GTK 
Boot Repair 
Full UEFI support 
Codium IDE 
Synaptic Package Manager 

These are only some of the changes; questions regarding others can be directed to support AT pc-opensystems DOT com Freespire 7.1 can be downloaded here 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Winter Fundraiser for Freespire

 Today we are launching the winter fundraiser for Freespire.  Freespire being an open source project relies on donations and outside funds from users and supporters.  DONATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED BUT APPRECIATED

When you donate to the project you help with

  • Replacing old and damaged equipment
  • Domain Renewal
  • Paying our volunteer developers

You are not required to donate a certain amount and any donation is appreciated.